Ghana is the world’s second largest producer of cocoa and as part of re-structuring
efforts Symboil Ghana Ltd has embarked upon a path to develop and integrate this
valuable tree crop into its existing portfolio comprising oil palm and coconut.
The company’s new cocoa department (SoCocoa) together with partners is to
commence in late 2020 with the re-mapping of it’s small holder farmers and
development plans followed by organic nursery set up and nucleus plantation
The company markets Ghanaian raw cocoa butter and has co-developed and
commenced co-marketing cocoa-based skin care products by CocoMia, a natural
skin and body care brand targeting health conscious consumers.

Short term focus is streamlining small-holder farmers operations, production of
quality seedlings, trading of cocoa butter, seedlings as well as other products or
by-products derived from the cocoa plant.
The company is currently in process of identifying and engaging partners as well as
joint venturers to implement its development agenda.